Bonjour fellow bloggers.
So tonight was the 3rd episode of season 6. In my opinion, it has transcended that of prior episodes, but there is room for improvement. Compared to last week, there was much more Chair which made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Okay, more like make unnatural sounds and shrieks of happiness. Words cannot explain my love for the love that Chuck and Blair share. Some may think we invest too many emotions in fictitious relationships, but in the words of some idiot I do not know the name of, "Yolo". Chair until I die.
On a later note, Serena looked pretty fantastic as usual. Her wardrobe and hair are to die for although she needs to dump Steven with weights around his ankles into a highly polluted river. But Sage. Oh dear Sage. Where do I begin? Sage is already a life ruiner at the age of 17, although she looks about 12. Not only is she a total biotch, but she's stealing away Nate. Nate, unfairly attractive Nathaniel Archibald. WHY ON EARTH DID YOU CHOOSE SAGE. After all, she's named after a freakin' spice. I'm almost positive sage tastes gross, too. Nate needs a good slap in the face to force him to realize he's leading his life down the toilet faster than when Serena was in her old high school party days and had her dealer on speed dial. Nate, for the sake of your devout, loving fans, ditch the biznitch. You and Serena were meant for each other.
However, in tonight's episode, Serena did show some authority over Sage. I wouldn't mess with SVDW if I were Sage.... Serena always wins because she's about ten levels hotter than everyone else. (except Chuck and Nate)....
But let's not forget Rufus and Ivy..... Where do I even begin??? It's repulsive beyond measure. Burnt koolaid-hair just needs to leave or shave off her head. I'm not sure which one would bring me more pleasure.
This show has some serious age problems. I mean, Sereven AND Nage AND Rivy?!?!? It's just plain nasty. Get with people your own age people, give or take a couple of years.
I was satisfied with the Chair moments but they weren't hot enough! Hopefully next week's episode will display intense Chair scenes that we can GIF the crap out of. In addition, I think we all agreed that Queen B is preggers since she passed out. It's debatable, but we want a baby Bass so bad that I'm ready to jump to conclusions.
I refuse to comment on Sage's little trick at B's fashion show because I hate her too much and I couldn't care less. I'll get rid of her myself if Serena and Blair don't take her down next episode.
So basically, tonight's episode was better which leads me to believe that they will just keep getting better. They have to. Only 7 left....7.....
- Exile Sage and Steven
- Get Serena back with Nate (or even Dan... anyone but Steven)
- Put Ivy on a deserted island with nothing but some scissors to cut off her nasty orange hair
- Make sure Chuck and Blair live happily ever after <3 <3
- Find some way to make sure Gossip Girl never ever ends because I don't know what we're going to do with our lives after these last 7 episodes
 We can't wait to be done with you, you 17 year old biznitch-named-after-a-spice. |
So many insanely adorable Chair scenes. Makes me incredibly happy. <3. WE NEED A WEDDING AND A BABY BASS!!! PRONTO.
Annnddddd Serena is still perfect. Le duh.

He's wayyyy too attractive to keep calm.
Until next time,
The Diabetic